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[SourceCodematlab mimo-ofdm

Description: matlab mimo-ofdm完整仿真模型
Platform: | Size: 32034 | Author: 651872892@qq.com | Hits:


Description: matlab MIMO仿真工具箱,含使用说明-Matlab simulation toolkit for use with
Platform: | Size: 283648 | Author: 刘博 | Hits:


Description: 一个4*8天线数的mimo仿真程序,采用16QAM调制解调,在平坦衰落环境下的误码率情况-a 4* 8 the number of MIMO antenna simulation program using 16QAM modulation and demodulation, the decline in flat environment of the BER
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张勤 | Hits:


Description: MIMO系统的功率优化问题,通过SVD分解和注水算法,可以实现不同发送天线上的功率分配。-MIMO system power optimization problem, and through the decomposition of water injection SVD algorithm can achieve different this antenna on the power distribution.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 焦嘟嘟 | Hits:


Description: 老外的MIMO程序,实现不同收发天线数,不同调制方式下的误比特率测量,运行ui-start-foreigners MIMO procedures to achieve different transceiver antenna several different modulation under the bit error rate measurements, run ui- start
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 焦嘟嘟 | Hits:


Description: 无线通信多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的仿真程序。包括程序解释和源代码。-wireless communications multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems simulation program. The procedures and explain the source code.
Platform: | Size: 283648 | Author: 周正 | Hits:


Description: 這個事檔案是一個基礎的MIMO ofdm vblast的通訊平台, 可以對一個高斯分佈rp行程的數位信號找出其error rate performance-this is a matter files based on the MIMO OFDM vblast communications platform, can a Gaussian distribution rp itinerary digital signal to identify its error rate performanc e
Platform: | Size: 748544 | Author: 李義嵐 | Hits:


Description: Matlab MIMO OFDM信道估计源程序,初学者可以看看。-Matlab MIMO OFDM channel estimation source files, beginners can look at.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 孤鸿 | Hits:


Description: 一个很不错的OFDM MIMO程序,其他包括文档说明-a very good MIMO OFDM procedures, including documentation of other shows
Platform: | Size: 160768 | Author: james | Hits:


Description: ieee fellow的phd讲义,wireless communications mimo system-ieee fellow of the phd handouts, mimo wireless communications system
Platform: | Size: 332800 | Author: 邵子韵 | Hits:


Description: 供初学空时编码(vblast接收)的matlab仿真程序,是关于vblast接收中ML算法的简单的仿真-for novice space-time coding (vblast receiver) Matlab simulation program, on the ML vblast Receiving a simple algorithm simulation
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: feitian | Hits:

[Fax program2Tx-2Rx-STBC-MIMO

Description: 这是一个基于2发2收,STBC的MIMO仿真模型,在该模型中,可以看到MIMO从数据生成到数据调制最后到解码的整个过程-This is a 2 on the 2 admission, STBC MIMO model, the model, MIMO can see from the data generated to the final data modulation of the whole process of decoding
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 陈帅 | Hits:


Description: mimo-ofdm信道估计matlab程序-mimo- ofdm channel estimation procedures Matlab
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 刘美 | Hits:


Description: 此程序完成MIMO各个自程序的功能,比如编码,信道仿真,信道估计,信噪比计算等,各子程序能够独立运行,具有很好的参考价值-This procedure since the completion of all procedures MIMO features, such as coding, channel simulation, channel estimation, signal to noise ratio calculation, the subroutine can be run independently, with a very good reference value
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: 周健 | Hits:


Description: mimo无线通信系统的ZERO-FORCING 接收机的MATLAB实现。给出了仿真图形-MIMO wireless communication system receiver ZERO-FORCING realize MATLAB. Graphical simulation
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王有 | Hits:


Description: matlab编写的MIMO-OFDM仿真程序,无解压密码-matlab prepared MIMO-OFDM simulation program, non-decompression password
Platform: | Size: 358400 | Author: 张晓雷 | Hits:


Description: matlab中的mimo仿真源代码,欢迎下载使用-Simulation of MIMO matlab source code, welcome to download
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张爱国 | Hits:


Description: 一个教你如何用matlab写mimo系统的程序,可以任意改变编码方式和天线数目,真的不错-A teach you how to write matlab MIMO system procedures, can change the number of encoding and antenna, really good
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: jingxu han | Hits:


Description: 关于MIMO-OFDM的matlab和simulink仿真程序或模型(有OFDM的simulink仿真模型,有mimo-ofdm的信道估计仿真程序)。里面包含7个文件夹,是我做MIMO-OFDM论文时找的,都是可用的,欢迎下载。-MIMO-OFDM on the matlab and simulink simulation program or model (with the simulink simulation model of OFDM, a mimo-ofdm channel estimation simulation program). Which contains seven folders, is what I do MIMO-OFDM find papers are available are welcome to download.
Platform: | Size: 1141760 | Author: 张树魁 | Hits:


Description: 一个教你如何用matlab写mimo系统的程序,可以任意改变编码方式和天线数目,-One teaches you how to write matlab mimo system program, you can change the encoding and the arbitrary number of antennas,
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: 吴雨阳 | Hits:
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